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Digital Photography

I have always loved cameras and taking photos. I grew up on 35mm and owned a number of cameras. Most of my first were "point-and-shoots" but I soon graduated to SLRs. My dad was a big camera enthusist and I learned a lot from his cameras and books.

I fell out of photography because it became difficult and frustrating to plan shots and guess ISO and shutter and aperature. I lost many important shots because I screwed up ~something~ in the settings. I had to take notes because in those days it took a while to shoot a roll and you had to process it and wait for prints. Often I would "experiment" and have to wait maybe weeks for the result.

Enter the digital age! The first cameras were clunky and feature-poor. It was only since maybe 2000 that digitals really progressed and were full of the features I expected in SLRs ~and~ no-wait for results.

I shoot from the LCD display - a big "no-no" for a lot of purists. I like to compose the shot, test shutter and "play". Many of what I consider my best shots were that one in 20 or so taken right then on the spot.

I like shooting "raw" pictures because I can make minor corrections to exposure and the like. I also correct barrel distortion. I don't post-process in "photoshop". I like to get the best effects I can in-camera by using shutter, aperature, ISO, white-balance and the like.

All photos copyright