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Music I made in my youth

I was always involved in music - band and chorus in school. In High School I took up piano. We had one in our house because my brother used to play. I was not a good technical player - I knew a lot of theory but I found I could compose because I loved playing chords so much.

I repeat that I was not technically good at all, despite lessons and plenty of practice. I was more concerned with composing than learning how to read well and play. I used to record my "experimenting" and tried to archive what I had written. In later years (once out on my own - first apartment) I had a number of synthesizers and an electric piano and began to "record" music. I also had to build many of the mixers and filters I used - my start into electronics.

I accumulated about 57 songs and "snippets" (incomplete works). I still have all my original cassette tapes. A few years ago I transcribed them to mp3s and have them now on my iPod.

I haven't played since the time I finished my last tape. I had moved on, mentally, into science and mathematics. I keep looking at electronic keyboards, though...

These are 5 of my favorite works, of varying lengths. I will no doubt add more to this page in the future.